Why jewfish is called jewfish
FL Keys Dude. John troll smith. Sid Dobrin. Reply to Sid Dobrin. Click here to join today. About Salt Strong. In December of , these two brothers shocked their clients, friends, and family by quitting their 6-figure jobs to start their dream focused on helping saltwater anglers: 1.
Catch more fish in less time 2. Create memories that matter through fishing. Quick Links. Popular Sections. Popular Tips. Product Reviews. The ike jime method also gives the most respect to fish that you harvest by See Full post. Do you know how much line you should let out for the best positioning?
In this Last updated Jun 24 Your Email Address:. Index Newest Popular Best. New Player Log In. Newest Questions Post a Question Search All Questions Please cite any factual claims with citation links or references from authoritative sources. Editors continuously recheck submissions and claims. Archived Questions Goto Qn. How did the Jew Fish get its name? Brainyblonde Answer has 12 votes. Give your time and energy to things that are truly important and focus where change can have a positive impact on issues that really matter.
Consult our experienced sales team on destinations where you can dive with the gargantuan goliath grouper. They have extensive knowledge on all our destinations and can guide you in selecting the perfect scuba diving holiday! You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed. Name required. Mail will not be published required.
We use cookies to personalise content for you and to analyse our traffic. Find out more how we use cookies. In subsequent weeks, Jewish leaders in Florida have been commenting to reporters there on the name change.
Three of those leaders have used the occasion not to chauvinistically champion the change, but to offer lessons on oversensitivity. Quoth Art Teitelbaum of the Anti-Defamation League: "Stereotypes about Jews have resulted in everything from murder to social discrimination.
And Rabbi Bruce Diamond, a Jewish leader in Fort Myers: "I tell you, in the universe of things that need to change, the name of a big grouper is low on the list. I appreciate their political correctness, but people should think about getting migrant laborers a few more pennies for their tomatoes, do something good for the world.
And you got that from the rabbi's mouth. This newspaper has supported unemployment for Chief Illiniwek. And there will be other situations that, because they deservedly rub some people the wrong way, demand changes.