Why is withdrawal called jonesing
Get professional rehab and addiction education from a qualified doctor today! General Drug Slang This list covers slang terms associated with the use of popular drugs and alcohol; street names of these drugs will not be included on this list unless they also describe other aspects of use. Reach out to a treatment provider for free today. Get Help During COVID With just 30 days at a rehab center, you can get clean and sober, start therapy, join a support group, and learn ways to manage your cravings.
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Make a Call - Or - Request a Call. Where do calls go? Where do chats go? Chats will be received and answered by one of treatment providers listed below, each of which is a paid advertiser: Balboa Horizons Treatment Services. Cooker, dealer, dope peddler, dummy man, hookup, mad hatter, middleman, mule, pill lady, potrepreneur, pump, pusher, source. Bag, bent, dependence, hang-up, hook ed , jones ing , kick, monkey on your back, strung out, substance use disorder. Alcoholic, boozer, dipsomaniac, drinker, drunk, drunkard, drunken, heavy drinker, inebriate, problem drinker, tippler, spirituous.
Addled, badgered, bashed, besotted, bibulous, blasted, blind, blitzed, blotto, bombed, boozy, canned, cockeyed, crocked, drunken, fried, gassed, hammered, high, impaired, inebriate, intoxicated, juiced, lit, lit up, loaded, looped, oiled, pickled, pie-eyed, pished, pissed, plastered, potted, ripped, sloshed, smashed, sottish, soused, sozzled, squiffy, stewed, stiff, stinking, stoned, tanked, tiddly, tight, tipsy, wasted, wet, wiped out, zonked.
Airhead, blazer, bong rat, dankhead, doper, druggie, ent, hash head, herbalist, herbivore, kieffer, pothead, smoker, stoner, stonette, toker, weedhead. Blunt cigar stuffed with marijuana , bowl, bong, bubbler, doob, doober, doobie, fatty, glass, gravity bong, hogger, J, jay, joint wrapping paper and marijuana , left-handed cigarette, one-hitter, PAX, percolator, piece, pipe, rig, roach, spiff, spliff, vape, water pipe.
Blown up, buzzed, dosed, faced, faced out, flipping, loved up, peaking, rolling, roll balls, smacked, spun. Bipping snorting coke and heroin , blow blue, blow coke, crisscrossing snorting coke and heroin , do a line, do a rail, freebase, go skiing, hit a wack, hitting the slopes, ride the rails, snort. Also relating to the followers of Rev Jones mass suicide. So the meanings are multi-inspired and confused - as a lot of language is. It is the expression of that desire.
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Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Where did "I'm Jonesing" get its meaning from? Ask Question. Asked 10 years, 7 months ago. Active 1 year, 8 months ago. Viewed k times. I'm Jonesing for a little Ganja, mon I'm jonesing for a little soul food, brother Improve this question. Arm the good guys in America 2 2 gold badges 18 18 silver badges 49 49 bronze badges. So "keeping up with the Joneses" would mean "have a constant supply of "? Add a comment.
Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. F'x F'x Page 8: " Etymonline suggests that it rose from a use of Jones as slang for heroin: The slang sense "intense desire, addiction" probably arose from earlier use of Jones as a synonym for "heroin," presumably from the proper name, but the connection, if any, is obscure. MrHen MrHen To supplement this great answer, there is evidence that the use of "Jones" as a slang term heroin is short for "Harry Jones", which is itself most likely derived from the similarity between the words Harry and heroin.
William Safire discusses the term here: nytimes. Green's Dictionary of Slang has "a drug addiction, especially to heroin", and the earliest reference is Slang dictionary coverage of 'jones' J. One popular, but unsubstantiated, story has it that Jones Alley in Manhattan used to serve as a hub for heroin addicts.
A person could be jonesing for a lover or a hamburger—anything they feel have done without for too long and feel a jittery anticipation of or longing for.
Contemporary use of jonesing is mainly as a metaphorical extension of its original drug slang, sometimes paired with other drug slang like fix e. Thanks to its widespread extended use in colloquial speech, writing, and social media, jonesing has lost its immediate associations with hard drugs and the drug underworld, now often carrying a positive or humorous connotation. The most frequent form of jonesing is in the progressive tense as a verb phrase, to be jonesing for.
However, the term still sees occasional use as a noun experiencing a taco jones or as simple verb He jonesed for the woman. This is not meant to be a formal definition of jonesing like most terms we define on Dictionary. Feedback We've Added New Words! Word of the Day.