Why is the brain wrinkled
For more information, check out the paper in Nature Physics , or read more in Haaretz. What Causes Brain Wrinkles? People mentioned:. Karzbrun used stem cells to create 3D clusters of brain cells, to better understand how they organize themselves. He said brains are like computers in the way they rely on surface area to process information. The cerebral cortex, which occupies most of the volume in your brain, has a unique architecture in which neurons are layered on the outer surface of the brain, and the bulk of the brain is composed of axons, [or] biological wire which interconnect the neurons.
Karzbrun says gaining a deeper understanding of how the brain is formed, and why it takes the shape it does, may help us develop new approaches to treating problems in the brain. You are commenting using your WordPress.
You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Photo: Toro et al, Evolutionary Biology. Manatee, rat and squirrel brains look more like a liver, smooth and slightly triangular, than what we think of as a brain.
Dolphin brains, on the other hand, are notably crinkled, with what appears to be about twice the folds of a human brain. So what causes these differences? Advanced search. Skip to main content Thank you for visiting nature. Subjects Biological physics Morphogenesis. Access through your institution. Buy or subscribe. Change institution. Rent or Buy article Get time limited or full article access on ReadCube. References 1. Article Google Scholar 3. Article Google Scholar 4.
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